Search found 13 matches

by norg
Sat, 2025-Feb-22, 11:59
Topic: Soffit mounted monitors without the enclosure?
Replies: 5
Views: 24
United States of America

Soffit mounted monitors without the enclosure?

7122 Speaker design is all about making a whole series of compromises in various ways to try to impedance-match the driver to the atmosphere, such that it transfers as much power as possible, equally across as wide a range of frequencies as possible, with frequency response that is as flat as possi...
by norg
Sat, 2025-Feb-22, 03:02
Forum: The Green Room
Topic: Greetings from near Seattle!
Replies: 10
Views: 121
United States of America

Greetings from near Seattle!

The scattering surfaces are incredible. Like a slice out of an Aero candy bar but sonically functional. Were they designed with specific frequencies in mind or more as general diffusion?
by norg
Fri, 2025-Feb-21, 17:49
Topic: Soffit mounted monitors without the enclosure?
Replies: 5
Views: 24
United States of America

Soffit mounted monitors without the enclosure?

7116 But do take into account that those ports or active elements were part of the design of the speaker! They were there to improve the sound of the speaker in some way. But if they are inside the soffit, they can't do that any more. On the other hand, what they were doing is usually trying to dea...
by norg
Fri, 2025-Feb-21, 14:32
Topic: Soffit mounted monitors without the enclosure?
Replies: 5
Views: 24
United States of America

Soffit mounted monitors without the enclosure?

Fun aside about sorbothane. I've worked with that stuff for a whole bunch of different projects. Using it to isolate medical equipment motors from resonant bed frames in my day job, creating some mic stand attachments for mics that need just a bit more isolation from rumbles, and even trying (and fa...
by norg
Fri, 2025-Feb-21, 14:28
Topic: Soffit mounted monitors without the enclosure?
Replies: 5
Views: 24
United States of America

Soffit mounted monitors without the enclosure?

I know this wall of text has to be a dummy question and I did search but failed to find anything similar. Please forgive me if it's a dead horse :horse: I'm also making some assumptions on books and threads I've read so far and am ready to be incorrect. When designing a soffit baffle front wall, fro...
by norg
Thu, 2025-Feb-20, 21:46
Forum: The Green Room
Topic: Greetings from near Seattle!
Replies: 10
Views: 121
United States of America

Greetings from near Seattle!

Good Lloyd. You're killin me, Smalls. :shock: How big of a basement is it that it can hold so many instrumentalists? The decoupling efforts had to have been massive and from the way it looks right now you must be at a point where you're shaving bits and pieces here and there to finish off the tuning...
by norg
Wed, 2025-Feb-19, 22:17
Forum: The Green Room
Topic: Greetings from near Seattle!
Replies: 10
Views: 121
United States of America

Greetings from near Seattle!

7103 ah, ok. so in this example - we needed to replace a load bearing beam that was short with a long steel one to support the upper floors. we used a decoupled footer for each of the end and middle post (between the interior walls) and far end into the exterior foundation wall. then wrapped a soff...
by norg
Tue, 2025-Feb-18, 18:56
Forum: The Green Room
Topic: Greetings from near Seattle!
Replies: 10
Views: 121
United States of America

Greetings from near Seattle!

Thank so much, Glenn. That definitely makes sense for a large inner room. The one I'm remembering - at least I think I am - had a massive steel beam as part of the building the studio was built in and couldn't be worked around so it was visible in part of one of the inner rooms. Or I'm hallucinating.
by norg
Tue, 2025-Feb-18, 14:48
Forum: The Green Room
Topic: Greetings from near Seattle!
Replies: 10
Views: 121
United States of America

Greetings from near Seattle!

7095 You come across as knowledgeable enough but just to make doubly sure you understand that isolation and HVAC need to be in the initial plans before you start building because trying to add either later on is a recipe for an expensive, nigh impossible task. Tearing down is different. Have fun do...
by norg
Mon, 2025-Feb-17, 23:47
Forum: The Green Room
Topic: Greetings from near Seattle!
Replies: 10
Views: 121
United States of America

Greetings from near Seattle!

Long overdue post considering how long I've been lurking here and at John's (rest his soul) old site. Umm, hi! I'm George, I live near Seattle which is in the north west part of the United States in a state called Washington - short driving distance away from the much more polite Canadians - and hav...
by norg
Tue, 2025-Feb-04, 19:12
Forum: Reference Area
Topic: How to build an "inside-out" ceiling.
Replies: 16
Views: 40358
United States of America

How to build an "inside-out" ceiling.

Spectacular. Thank you so much for the advice!

-= george =-
by norg
Fri, 2025-Jan-31, 19:12
Forum: Reference Area
Topic: How to build an "inside-out" ceiling.
Replies: 16
Views: 40358
United States of America

How to build an "inside-out" ceiling.

Hey there gulfo! Thanks so much for your input and insight. It's good to see your name; I used to lurk on the late John Sayers wonderful forum and very rarely ever post anything but instead absorb knowledge for the eventual "someday." Follow-up question and probably a dummy one. The lights...
by norg
Thu, 2025-Jan-30, 18:47
Forum: Reference Area
Topic: How to build an "inside-out" ceiling.
Replies: 16
Views: 40358
United States of America

How to build an "inside-out" ceiling.

Four years later, revived from the, with a question: Actually, first, thank you SO MUCH for providing all of those details. You did a fabulous job of debunking quite a bit of what I read out there regarding this subject and you've very comprehensively knocked it out of the park. NOW the question. Co...