Glitches and Upgrades...

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Glitches and Upgrades...


Postby Soundman2020 » Mon, 2020-Sep-14, 05:35

Over the past few days I've been working on an upgrade for the forum, including a new high-speed fiber connection for the server, so it should be quite a bit faster for uploading and downloading large files now! :thu:

But I also screwed up, and that might have affected you! So let me explain: I installed some new anti-spam software on the forum, and it looks like I messed up the configuration. So it suddenly decided that EVERYONE is a spammer! And it moved all of us to the "Suspicious" group, which has very limited posting permission... then it decided that actually, no, we aren't really spammers, and moved us all back again... :shock: :roll: However, in that shuffling, it might also have lost some of your PM's to and from other forum members. I tried to recover as much as I could from recent backups, but it is still possible that some people might be missing PM's. So sorry about that! :oops:

But don't worry about your threads and posts: Those are all fine! No changes there, as far as I can see. The only thing that might be missing, is if you tried to post something between about 2:30 AM and 3:30 AM this morning (Chilean time), as that's when I was restoring the backups. Anything posted in that time frame might have disappeared. But everything else seems to be fine.

My only excuse is that I've been having trouble with a persistent eye infection for nearly a month, and I have not been able to see very well at all... which is why I've been laying low, not posting anything on the forum, and not doing much at all, actually. It's hard to type and do stuff on the computer, when you can't even see the screen! Fortunately, it seems to be improving over the last few days (hence, the attempted upgrade), so hopefully I'll be back in the swing of things now!

Anyway, the good news is the speed upgrade: :yahoo: hopefully that is noticeable: It cost a lot of money, so I sure do hope that everyone can see the difference!

More upgrades coming soon.... :)


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Glitches an Upgrades...


Postby Starlight » Mon, 2020-Sep-14, 07:04

Soundman2020 wrote:Source of the post... it should be quite a bit faster for uploading and downloading large files now!
Wow, the speed increase is noticeable! Thank you.
Soundman2020 wrote:Source of the postIt's hard to type and do stuff on the computer, when you can't even see the screen!
For some reason that reminds me of Joe Walsh's song Life's Been Good So Far and the lines, "I go to parties, sometimes until four; it's hard to leave when you can't find the door." Eyes are precious. I hope yours are back to normal, Stuart.
Soundman2020 wrote:Source of the postIt cost a lot of money ...
Can I make a suggestion to my fellow forum users? This is a small and friendly forum and we get a lot of world-class advice from Stuart and others who willingly give without charge. If you are not one of Stuart's paying clients and you benefit from the advice you get on the forum, could I encourage you (and me) to use the Make a Donation page.

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Glitches and Upgrades...


Postby shybird » Mon, 2020-Sep-14, 18:12

Congrats on the forum upgrade Stuart!! And sorry to hear about the eye infection that sounds terrible! Glad you’re feeling a bit better. Also sorry about the persistent technical issues and spammer situation. Hope it’s near the end!


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