Hello from France

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Hello from France


Postby matcaz » Fri, 2020-Nov-20, 09:26

Hello everybody,

Mat here from France, I'm a musician and I'm planning to built a room within a room in the basement of my house that has a common wall with my neighbours house.

I read a lot of topics with Soundman2020's posts in Gearslutz and John Sayers' forum that bring me to this great place about studio designs and construction.
Thank you Stuart and all the forum members to handle this very interesting place to share information and advices!! It's precious!

Playing music since 20 years, so 20 years of trying "to not annoy people when I play music"; today it's time to build an appropriate place for me to work without having troubles with neighbours or anyone else. I read the recommended litterature about acoustics and studio design: Rod Gervais' (great) book, Marshall Long (Architectural Acoustics), and I just started to read the master handbook of acoustics by Alton Everest.

I'm currently writing a draft to post a topic about this project (with pictures and measurements). I'll try my best to have the more complete and detailed plans to submit it to you.

Hope everybody is going well.
Take care and have a good day

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Hello from France


Postby Soundman2020 » Fri, 2021-Jun-25, 01:03

Hi there Mat, and very belated WELCOME to you! :thu: :)

So sorry I haven't been around for all this time, but I do plan to look at your thread, and respond there too. Although you are probably not very happy about being abandoned like that, right after you joined up.... But if you are still around, I sure hope we can help you with your place!

- Stuart -

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