More Springy Thingies...

Maybe you've heard of "Fake News"? The same happens in the world of acoustics! Here's a place for discussing acoustic myths, legends, mysteries, "questionable" treatment, scams, hoaxes, and just plain old bad information about acoustics, sound, and audio.
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More Springy Thingies...


Postby Soundman2020 » Sun, 2021-Jul-18, 23:59

Speaking of strange spring-loaded acoustic stuff, here's another "springy thingy" that I've had in my file of "weird acoustic stuff", for a while, and been meaning to post...


Yup. A bass trap with springs in it, that do ... something! :)

It is called: "A low-frequency bass trap with Pistonic/Helmholtz action"

Here's more info on that... ... ntary3.pdf

Once again, I'd love to see some real test results from a real independent lab! It would be fascinating to find out what that thing actually does...

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More Springy Thingies...


Postby SoWhat » Mon, 2021-Jul-19, 06:12

A couple of possibilities:

1. IF the trash can is part of the assembly, it would act as a resonator (the plastic bag is the adjustable damping).

2. It's the new Hexatheremin.

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More Springy Thingies...


Postby Soundman2020 » Mon, 2021-Jul-19, 22:22

SoWhat wrote:Source of the post 1. IF the trash can is part of the assembly, it would act as a resonator (the plastic bag is the adjustable damping).
Great idea! Here's your chance to make a killing on the snake-oil acosutic treatment market: re-purpose trash cans as acosutic treatment! Don't call it a "bass trap", call it a "bass dump", or some such! I bet you could sell those things for a pretty penny...


- Stuart -

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