Spinning sound waves.... :)

Maybe you've heard of "Fake News"? The same happens in the world of acoustics! Here's a place for discussing acoustic myths, legends, mysteries, "questionable" treatment, scams, hoaxes, and just plain old bad information about acoustics, sound, and audio.
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Spinning sound waves.... :)


Postby Soundman2020 » Fri, 2021-Jul-23, 01:53

Did you know that acoustic foam works by making sound waves "spin and bounce"?

I kid you not:
Fascinating! I never knew that. You learn something new every day...

You can find some more ...ummm "creative" explanations about acoustics and acoustic products here:


Especially if you want to buy acoustic panels that smell bad, because they are made with smelly chemicals... but don't worry! They do say you'll be just fine after the smell goes...

- Stuart -

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