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Studio design advice


Postby ERJEE » Tue, 2024-Jul-30, 03:12

Hi! I bumped into this forum recently and already learned a lot, nice!

I would like to build a studio in my garage roofstructure (rougly 5x5,2meter, see image). The main goal of the studio is mixing music, and some (vocal) recording.

The roofstructure is build on a wooden joist floor (on top of a garage) and the roof are basically rooftiles on roofpanels on top of wooden studs, which have very limited sound isolation.
I think that a 45-50 dB sound isolation of the added construction would be enough for my neighbours (they are a few meters next to me, and the existing structure also isolates a bit, estimate 10-20db).
In the room there are two doors and one window - I would be ok to build the isolation in front of the window and the side door in order to get better isolation results (thus discard the window and the side door). For isolation I am thinking on using resilient channel systems in front of the walls. The wooden studs have a depth of 17cm, so i think I could build the resilient walls between these studs.
-Do I have to build on top of the 17cm studs to also cover them or can I build between the studs - in other words will those thick wooden studs leak sound if I build the isolation between them (and save a bit of space)?

Next the acoustic treatment of the room:
-Would plain bass traps suffice in the vertical partitions on knee-height and in the 'ceiling' ? (fill them with rockwool and put a fabric in front?).How much flutter echo absorbers do I need and where to position them?
- Where should my listening point be and where I should position the speakers? Do I need to flush mount them?
-I should be possible to extend the length of the room with 1meter (so room would be 6x5.2meter), if this would greatly benefit the acoustics (see image).

Looking forward to any advice/comments!

Best, RJ

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