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Postby goodwater » Sun, 2025-Feb-16, 13:51

Thanks. Regarding my 2 layers that I put on the Enermax (OSB + gwb), someone told me that I could first put a horizontal wooden slat. This would create an air space between the vapor barrier layer of the Enermax and the OSB in order to prevent condensation and the risk of rot. I read that OSB can act as a vapor barrier. So moisture could be trapped between the Enermax and the OSB (dew point). However, if the humidity level in the studio does not exceed 50% and everything is well sealed, the risks are minimal.

Is this a good idea (the slats) and would it not reduce the soundproofing?

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Postby gullfo » Sun, 2025-Feb-16, 15:42

as long as your vapour barrier is properly placed and sealed, then no, you don't need the slats and in fact could cause issues between the two layers as there is now an air gap - think 3rd leaf type issues.

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