CNC and Saw room

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CNC and Saw room


Postby ivanDeWolf » Sun, 2024-Dec-15, 23:10

I used to have a VFX studio in LA, and we had a server room. We built a *really* effective soundproof wall to enclose our servers- it was a 2by6 with staggered studs wall, with a window (had to see them machines!) with 2 sheets of glass. It was like standing next to an airplane inside that room, and near silence outside of it.

I am now looking to build a (mostly) soundproof room to put a CNC machine that may run for hours, and a loud saw that runs for a few minutes at a time. It doesn't need to be perfectly soundproof or anything, just good. Servers are all relatively easy high frequency sounds, and this is likely to be fairly broad spectrum audio. Last time, we investigated green glue, and doubling the drywall, but we decided to simply build first and add expense later if needed. We didn't need green glue, or a second layer of drywall, the staggered studs was sufficient.

Might a full-on green-glued doubled drywall on the inside construction be needed to significantly block broad spectrum audio? Will this be a much bigger challenge?

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CNC and Saw room


Postby Starlight » Mon, 2024-Dec-16, 12:01

What level of isolation do you need? In other words, when the CNC machine is operating, how much sound leaks into your studio?

One more question: Are the foundation slabs for these two rooms shared or separate?

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