Ripple tank simlator

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Ripple tank simlator


Postby Soundman2020 » Mon, 2020-Jul-27, 03:19

I just came across a really neat and somewhat addictive tool that looks like it should be very useful to help understand acoustics:

It's a "ripple tank simulator", that does a real-time simulation of how waves move, and allows you to add various "things" in the region where the waves are moving, as well as adjusting the frequency, damping, and other characteristics. You can simulate some pretty complex things in there, and as you play around, it can really give you some good insight into the way sound waves really behave, vs. the way you might assume they behave.

I thought it was pretty cool, and a very useful learning tool! (And I spent a fascinated hour or so playing around with it.... Warning! Addictive!)

- Stuart -

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Ripple tank simlator


Postby lostandfound » Mon, 2020-Jul-27, 07:48

Great Stuart :yahoo: :yahoo:
really interesting :jammin:


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Ripple tank simlator


Postby Avare » Wed, 2020-Jul-29, 02:18

Great! Thank you!

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