Attachments not working?

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Attachments not working?


Postby endorka » Thu, 2021-Mar-11, 20:36

I've been unable to upload attachments for a day or two. Is it the same for everyone or just me doing something incorrectly?


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Attachments not working?


Postby Starlight » Thu, 2021-Mar-11, 21:01

I haven't tried since I updated my build topic 10 days ago.

Okay, I just tried two images and got an error message with both:
Could not upload attachment to ./files/59_44efbd0bd5723090a29dfbe4315f0db7.
Could not upload attachment to ./files/59_dbb79f416f337103e99d7dd1ca3b27ea.

That means your suspicions are correct, Jennifer, and no, you are not doing anything wrong. If Stuart can fix it, great. If not, or in the meantime, we can always host images elsewhere (eg. flikr, imgur) and link to them (which no doubt you know).

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