Studio Build- Central Portugal

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Postby Dr Space » Tue, 2020-Oct-27, 07:10

Yes.. they came for one day and I have not seen or heard from them in 10 days.. Just crazy... The way things work or don't work in Portugal is enough to drive one mad but you just have to work with the system, no matter how dysfunctional. Anyway, I have started my studio fundraiser and feel free to share and contribute.. THanks.. I will post more as soon as anything happens..


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Postby SoWhat » Tue, 2020-Oct-27, 12:46

Greetings Dr. Space,

they came for one day and I have not seen or heard from them in 10 days

I think they forgot to tell you they were finished.

All kidding aside, that's just awful.

All the best,


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Studio Build- Central Portugal


Postby Soundman2020 » Wed, 2020-Nov-04, 15:43

Good to finally see some progress there, Ricardo! That's great! :thu:

- Stuart -

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Postby Dr Space » Sun, 2020-Nov-22, 07:03

Well, it seems that me making a studio is meant to cause enormous stress, frustration and as many problems as possible. Problems with the design, 18 months of waiting to get a permit, choosing the wrong builder who fucked me around for 9 months and worked one day and disappeared. Now I have fired him and have to start the process of finding another builder. It is very frustrating. I will post again when I have found another builder and have some good news.

I did start a fundraiser but since everything is on hold it has done very poorly and covid is not helping the situation either.

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Postby Dr Space » Tue, 2021-Feb-23, 15:16

Construction will start on March 8th. I will post pictures once a week. This friday, I will meet with the builder and Joules Newell and we will discuss some aspects of the inside of the building and where to run the conduits in the foundation for the cables, etc... Exciting after an absolute nightmare of a time the last couple of years. What a hassle.. Anyway.. almost there... :D

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Postby Starlight » Tue, 2021-Feb-23, 16:45

That is good news. I will be looking forward to seeing photos of the build.

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Postby .dio. » Wed, 2021-Feb-24, 13:57

So now is a Newell design or do you keep What Stuart did?

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Postby Dr Space » Fri, 2021-Feb-26, 13:30

GREAT NEWS.. Had a meeting with the builder (Paul) and Joules Newell and Joe Fossard, the two guys who will build the inside the of the studio from Newell Acoustic engineering!

March 8th- The digger will arrive and they have two days to move out the rest of the material from the ruin and prepare the area for the crane.
March 10th- The crane company will come to set up the crane. This is still questionable though as the insurance from the crane company will not cover if the crane falls on our house in a storm. The builders insurance does not cover it and the builder tried with two different companies to take out insurance and neither would do it, both saying it was the crane company that has to be insured. So, we don't know 100% about the crane but it will make getting the materials a lot easier down to the ruin and save at least 1-2 weeks the builder estimates.
The building will take 8 weeks if weather is good and nothing unforeseen happens. It was also agreed that Paul would do the basic framing of the live room and entrance room and Joules would do the control room.
In the next weeks I hope that Joules will translate the original studio design from Stuart's Sketch up into a CAD drawing and provide a basic materials list and cost estimate. If all goes as plans Joules will come in early-mid June to do the rest. 4-6 weeks work. Wow...
I will keep you all posted with pictures.
Feeling good!! :D

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Postby Dr Space » Wed, 2021-Mar-10, 05:26

March 9th- After months waiting Paul finally showed up this morning about 9:30 with the digger only to tell me that the crane company has pulled out now. Initially he told me that he could not do the job without the crane but we had a long discussion about how it could be done and he has agreed to start and it will just be a lot more labour and add a couple of weeks to the job, perhaps.

Anyway, Paul showed up at 16 and worked to fix the road a little and now is moving some earth by the ruin so it has started now. he left at 17:30. His crews normally work 9-17. 30mins for lunch.

He expects it will take the rest of this week to move all the materials out of the ruin area (he only has a mini-digger) and prepare the area for the foundation. The steel is being ordered today. Next week they can do the foundations, then the retaining wall, etc..

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Postby endorka » Wed, 2021-Mar-10, 07:33

Hope all goes well over the next few weeks.

I've seen an excavator used as a crane before. Seems like it is sometimes appropriate - see attached PDF. No idea if this is something that would be appropriate for your situation though.

Attachment didn't work sorry, here's a link instead; ... used-crane


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Postby Dr Space » Thu, 2021-Mar-18, 15:38

Builder is making great progress now. All the footings for the foundation are dug now and all the steel in the back and right side wall and they are on target to pour the footings next weds. Image

The pic is from a few days ago..

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Postby Dr Space » Fri, 2021-Mar-19, 13:27


The foundation footings are going in. A lot of steel!!


March 15th

The day was crazy today. The crane people did not arrive until after lunch and it was a tight squeeze to get it past the house and dragged up behind the ruin but it all worked out and there is a huge amount of weight. No way it will fall down unless there is a fault in the metal!! They checked out all the safety function, like if the load exceeds 400kg, the crane will only move half way out on the arm and back and no further. Nice people setting up the crane. Anyway, it was 16 by the time it was all levelled. We managed to replant the big orange tree they had to remove, so we will see if it survives. Massive amount of roots. It was a really old tree. It will still have to be grafted most likely. They will dig up two of the kiwis tomorrow and we will try to transplant those as well. Crew of three tomorrow to start to take down the right wall of the ruin at the corner and start to dig out the rest of the foundation footings and start to make the steel cages. Exciting..

March 16th

Great weather and Paul and his two helpers did a great job today. The corner of the ruin was cut off, the foundations for that side of the building cut dug out, the kiwi transplanted, the steel cages for the rear foundation put in place.. Looking good… I took a lot of pictures.

March 17th

Weather was amazing today again and they got all the foundation footings dug out now and have laid the steel cages in 2 of the 4. It is looking good and concrete has been ordered for next weds to do the first pour. I took a few pictures but was a way most of the day.

March 18th

They had to get some supplies from another site so were not here til about 11 today. Only Paul and Gil. All the footings are dug out now and only one more small cage for the right side and then the rest of the steel. They still look to be on target for having all the steel in place for the cement next weds. Progress…

March 19th

All the footings are dug out now and the cages in. Some steel still missing but they will finish this and put in the vertical steel on monday and tuesday. Cement comes Weds.. It was a great day today. They got a lot done.

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Postby endorka » Fri, 2021-Mar-19, 18:16

That is so cool! The building is right into the hillside, right?


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Postby Dr Space » Sat, 2021-Mar-20, 12:59

March 9th

After months waiting Paul finally showed up this morning about 9:30 with the digger only to tell me that the crane company has pulled out now. Initially he told me that he could not do the job without the crane but we had a long discussion about how it could be done and he has agreed to start and it will just be a lot more labour and add a couple of weeks to the job, perhaps.

Anyway, Paul showed up at 16 and worked to fix the road a little and now is moving some earth by the ruin so it has started now. His crews normally work 9-17. 30mins for lunch.

The time line is something like this:

Week 1- clear out the rest of the ruin area and prepare for the foundation. One on the digger and other people preparing the steel for the foundation.
Week 2- Make the foundations.
Week 3 Prepare to make the rear retaining wall and pour the first concrete slab.

March 10th

Paul calls at 8:30 and it seems that the crane company will do the job now and that everyone is assured they have the insurance that they need, so we will know if today if they come with the crane or not as scheduled, today.. Paul will just keep working alone for now.

13- Still no word about the crane so I guess it is not coming to day. The steel for the foundation will come tomorrow he said. He is making great progress on the area today but has not moved the dirt and stone from the ruin area. Sunny and 16C outside. Very nice day..

Paul left at 16:30 today and had cleared out the area and marked where the foundation will go. The wife is very upset as the building is sticking out much further than she thought and also is closer to the house. The only option to not have it come out so far is to build it further into the hill. The steel for the foundation was delivered at 18 last night.

March 11th

The crane will be erected on Monday. We will go to the camera and get the license next week as well. Paul did not start work until 13 today and we had some discussions with my wife as well as she is not happy about it coming so close to the house and the steps down from the house so we are trying to see if we can move it 1m. In the worst case, we will have to angle the wall and lose a bit of space on the inside. If we do this Paul will need to make up a new drawing for the inside for Joules.

March 12th

I really am against changing the building. We gained another 60cm now so this is going to have to be good enough. Sunny today and Paul is alone again today. He was supposed to have a guy named Marco to help but he did not show up today at the agreed meeting place. Anyway, Paul had a truckload of stone, dirt dropped up on the road to try to repair some of the road as it is hard for the trucks to get down here as the road is so bad at the moment. It has been almost 2 years since the council (camera) graded the road. Normally they do it every year in late April or early May.

Anyway, Paul is digging out the foundation footings today and will prepare the area for the crane and fix the road. Monday, the crane comes and his crew (2) and they start to tie all the steel together for the foundations. This all went well today and the weather has been mostly sunny the whole day. Paul is a great guy.

Paul will need to hear from Joules soon about where to put the conduits for the power and control room cables.

March 15th

The day was crazy today. The crane people did not arrive until after lunch and it was a tight squeeze to get it past the house and dragged up behind the ruin but it all worked out and there is a huge amount of weight. No way it will fall down unless there is a fault in the metal!! They checked out all the safety function, like if the load exceeds 400kg, the crane will only move half way out on the arm and back and no further. Nice people setting up the crane. Anyway, it was 16 by the time it was all levelled. We managed to replant the big orange tree they had to remove, so we will see if it survives. Massive amount of roots. It was a really old tree. It will still have to be grafted most likely. They will dig up two of the kiwis tomorrow and we will try to transplant those as well. Crew of three tomorrow to start to take down the right wall of the ruin at the corner and start to dig out the rest of the foundation footings and start to make the steel cages. Exciting..

March 16th

Great weather and Paul and his two helpers did a great job today. The corner of the ruin was cut off, the foundations for that side of the building cut dug out, the kiwi transplanted, the steel cages for the rear foundation put in place.. Looking good… I took a lot of pictures.

March 17th

Weather was amazing today again and they got all the foundation footings dug out now and have laid the steel cages in 2 of the 4. It is looking good and concrete has been ordered for next weds to do the first pour. I took a few pictures but was a way most of the day.

March 18th

They had to get some supplies from another site so were not here til about 11 today. Only Paul and Gil. All the footings are dug out now and only one more small cage for the right side and then the rest of the steel. They still look to be on target for having all the steel in place for the cement next weds. Progress…

March 19th

All the footings are dug out now and the cages in. Some steel still missing but they will finish this and put in the vertical steel on monday and tuesday. Cement comes Weds.. It was a great day today. They got a lot done.



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Studio Build- Central Portugal


Postby garethmetcalf » Sun, 2021-Mar-21, 06:45

Great pics! Nice to see some progress. Keep them coming.


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