Hi from Moscow!

A place for general chit-chat, hanging out, off topic stuff, shooting the breeze, ranting, introducing yourself to the forum, saying "Hi!", etc.
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Joined: Thu, 2024-Nov-07, 10:06
Location: Russia, Moscow

Hi from Moscow!


Postby basscleaner » Fri, 2024-Nov-08, 06:10

I'd like to take part in room acoustics discussions, including noise reduction, acoustical performance, sound quality and critical listening issues. Anyway, I'm very glad to take part in these questions, ideas discussion and proposals. I am an acoustician, like to play bass guitar and to listen good music in the best conditions for it. Have a nice day!

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Location: Slovakia, Europe

Hi from Moscow!


Postby Starlight » Sat, 2024-Nov-09, 17:01

Добро пожаловать из Словакии. (Welcome from Slovakia)

Welcome. I hope you will enjoy participating in topics that are of interest to you and those where you have knowledge and experience to help others.

Мне нравится твоя аватарка, украинский флаг. Хорошо выбрано! (I like your avatar, the Ukranian flag, a good choice!)

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