New build inside a steel shed! How to insulate steel walls?

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New build inside a steel shed! How to insulate steel walls?


Postby RichardRobb » Sat, 2022-Mar-26, 22:13


I have had a steel shed built that I will be using as a music studio for band practice (hard rock) and recording and I am a drummer so a lot of drum practice. It is 6m x 6m x 3m to the eve with a pitched roof to 3.5m. I elected to go up for extra head room to try and maintain a bigger room sound.

I have read that building a “box” (like this) is probably not the best shape for a studio however, due to budget restraints and council laws I could only afford a steel shed this size.

Metric: Shed (outer) 6m x 6m x 3m to the eve, 3.5m to the ridge on a 36m2 slab.
Imperial: 19ft 8.22in x 19ft 8.22in x 9ft 10.11in to the eve and 11ft 5.8in to the ridge on 387.5 square ft slab.

I intend on building the “room inside a room” however, I am having trouble finding any info on a sound isolated room being built inside a steel shed like mine. The inside room will be decoupled from the outer steel shed walls with a 5cm (2in) void. We live on an acreage and the closest neighbors are approx 60m (200ft) away.

The trick is to not eat too much into the overall floor area because I have a lot of gear.

I have two main questions:
How do I insulate the actual steel wall cladding? It already has the foil lined vapour wrap to catch condensation. Should I use glass fibre batts up against the foil and then wrap over the top with plastic?

Will lining the inside of the inner room with MLV and plaster work/be enough? The people that I have spoken to who sell the MLV said that stapling MLV onto the stud wall and then drywall over the top would be ample but I'm not to sure if they are just trying to sell me something that may not be correct.

The inner room will be a typical timber stud frame construction 600mm on centre filled with acoustic glass batts and will be ventilated with a professional installed HVAC system.

Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Hobart Tasmania Australia.
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.....he sure is a drumming fool" :shot:

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New build inside a steel shed! How to insulate steel walls?


Postby gullfo » Sat, 2022-Jun-25, 14:54

Hi Richard,

did you progress on this any further?

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