Website Certificate Upgrade

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Website Certificate Upgrade


Postby Soundman2020 » Tue, 2020-Jun-02, 13:05

Oooops! If you tried to login to the forum in the last 24 hours (June 1), you might have received a message from your browser about security, saying the website certificate for the forum was invalid or had expired, or something similar: The server is supposed to update that security certificate automatically, every day, but for some strange reason, it stopped doing that. :shock: :!:

Anyway, I just fixed that and also upgraded the security software at the same time, so you should be able to access the forum again with no problems. Try logging in again, and you should be OK. You should see a little green padlock next to the URL in your browser, indicating that the connection is secure.

Sorry about that! :oops:

- Stuart -

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