Blue people...

A place for general chit-chat, hanging out, off topic stuff, shooting the breeze, ranting, introducing yourself to the forum, saying "Hi!", etc.
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Blue people...


Postby Soundman2020 » Mon, 2021-Jun-28, 00:24

In case anyone is wondering why their name is now appearing in a sort of bluish color, it's because of a minor server update I just did: Member names are now color-coded, so if your name is now appearing in this pretty blue color, that means you are a validated and approved member! :yahoo: So this is good news.

New members and ordinary un-validated members will still appear in the same old grayish color as before, admins (me!) still in the same red color, and moderators (none yet) are now in orange.

So don't worry about all the blue people on the forum now: You are the good guys! :thu: (hopefully, you all don't mind being blue!)

- Stuart -
(PS. If you think you should be blue too, but you are still gray, then please PM me so I can check and fix it!)

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