My horror studio measurements

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My horror studio measurements


Postby Ferzeleid » Tue, 2020-Jun-30, 07:26

Hi, there! Wish you all are safe at this times. I've made some REW measurements in my home studio and at my little to nothing knowledge I think that are horrible for mixing purposes. I appreciate any help. Best regards.

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My horror studio measurements


Postby Soundman2020 » Tue, 2020-Jun-30, 12:15

Hi Ferzeleid. Please do post your REW measurements! And also post some more information about your studio, including the dimensions, a diagram of the layout of your speakers and mix position, any existing treatment, and some photos.

- Stuart -

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My horror studio measurements


Postby Starlight » Tue, 2020-Jun-30, 12:16

Somewhere on this forum Soundman2020 has posted how to measure with REW. I looked in the Reference Area but cannot see it. Once you are sure you are measuring correctly, export your measurements into a .mdat file and post it here so that those who can understand .mdat files (unfortunately that does not yet include me) can comment and make suggestions.

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My horror studio measurements


Postby Ferzeleid » Tue, 2020-Jun-30, 12:25

Hey, thanks un advance with the quick responses. I thought I had uploaded the mdat archive, my bad. Now I'm outside home in a while I Will try to upload again with The test of The data.

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My horror studio measurements


Postby SoWhat » Tue, 2020-Jun-30, 12:47

Greetings all,

Somewhere Soundman2020 has posted how to measure with REW. ... =3&t=21122

All the best,


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My horror studio measurements


Postby Ferzeleid » Tue, 2020-Jun-30, 12:51

SoWhat wrote:Source of the post Greetings all,

Somewhere Soundman2020 has posted how to measure with REW. ... =3&t=21122

All the best,


Yeah, I followed that post by Soundman2020 point by point (sorry for my bad english)

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My horror studio measurements


Postby SoWhat » Tue, 2020-Jun-30, 13:06

Greetings Ferzeleid,

I posted the link because Starlight had mentioned it.

No worries on the English-language front. Apologies not needed.

All the best,


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My horror studio measurements


Postby Ferzeleid » Tue, 2020-Jun-30, 14:50

SoWhat wrote:Source of the post Greetings Ferzeleid,

I posted the link because Starlight had mentioned it.

No worries on the English-language front. Apologies not needed.

All the best,


Thanks Paul! Best wishes!

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My horror studio measurements


Postby Ferzeleid » Tue, 2020-Jun-30, 14:52

Fer Studio.png

I think Now I've uploaded archives correctly.
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My horror studio measurements


Postby Soundman2020 » Wed, 2020-Jul-01, 15:19

SoWhat wrote:Source of the post Greetings all,

Somewhere Soundman2020 has posted how to measure with REW. ... =3&t=21122

All the best,


Here's the more up-to-date version, that reflects some big changes in the REW interface:

A lot has changed in newer versions of REW, since the original post, so I'm keeping this one up to date here. That's the one you should be using, and feel free to pass it along to others! I'm also working on writing an accompanying article on how to interpret the results, so stay tuned for that! (Probably in a couple of weeks).

- Stuart -

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My horror studio measurements


Postby Soundman2020 » Sun, 2020-Jul-05, 00:02

Ferzeleid wrote:I think Now I've uploaded archives correctly
Great! I downloaded the REW file, and I'll take a look at that as soon as I can. One thing I did notice from your rough sketch, is that the room is nearly square, so there are likely some room modes that coincide with each other, or nearly coincide. Also, the ceiling is very low, and the room is rather small... It's going to need quite a bit of treatment!

- Stuart -

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My horror studio measurements


Postby Soundman2020 » Sun, 2020-Jul-05, 00:09

Follow up: I just took a quick look at the REW data, and it seems you had the levels too high. Around 95 dB, and there is some distortion in the lower frequencies, probably from clipping. Are you sure you had your sound level meter set to "C" weighting when you did the calibration? If you accidentally had it set on "A", then that could explain the difference.

So please do the calibration again, and make sure you are getting levels around 86 dBC when you have both speakers on. Do another test like that, and post it here.

- Stuart -

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My horror studio measurements


Postby SoWhat » Sun, 2020-Jul-05, 07:51

Greetings Stuart,

Here's the more up-to-date version, that reflects some big changes in the REW interface:

How to calibrate and use REW to test and tune your room acoustics


All the best,


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My horror studio measurements


Postby Ferzeleid » Sun, 2020-Jul-05, 08:28

Soundman2020 wrote:Source of the post Follow up: I just took a quick look at the REW data, and it seems you had the levels too high. Around 95 dB, and there is some distortion in the lower frequencies, probably from clipping. Are you sure you had your sound level meter set to "C" weighting when you did the calibration? If you accidentally had it set on "A", then that could explain the difference.

So please do the calibration again, and make sure you are getting levels around 86 dBC when you have both speakers on. Do another test like that, and post it here.

- Stuart -

Thanks Stuart, I will repeat the measurements tomorrow and try to do it better. Best wishes!

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My horror studio measurements


Postby Ferzeleid » Mon, 2020-Jul-06, 14:16

Hello, friends, here we go! The new measurements. Hope today I have made it the right way. Best regards!
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