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Postby UndeadCrow » Sat, 2021-Mar-20, 23:48

General Kenobi !

A couple years ago I started a project of a druming room, and did get great help on another forum (Johnsayers), mainly from Soundman actually ! :)

I had to pause that project on the construction phase, because of life things and not so cool stuff, but now I'm almost back on track (just have to finish my bathroom renovation before :lol: , just did the kitchen tho) I just saw our friend launched his own forum. And that's where I want to share and pursue !

So, some day, I'll will sum up all of this, what I did, where I am for you guys, and share it with you all to move it forward, make this happen and help the others !

Greetings from France, and see you soon on the construction side ! ;)

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Postby Starlight » Sun, 2021-Mar-21, 03:19

Hello and welcome to Soundman2020's forum.

Indeed, life does not always go according to our plans. Here is hoping that your bathroom will be a success and that you can then continue with your drum room.

Just in case you have not seen it, ScotcH's drum room might be of interest to you. See: Basement studio/drum room advice needed and Drum room/studio basement build.

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Postby UndeadCrow » Mon, 2021-Mar-22, 10:15

Hello Starlight,

Thanks for your kind words ! Hope so as well ! This bathroom will assuredly steal my free time for a while, but I want to have time to think and plan about my drum room before I get restarted !
This link is in deed interesting for me, thanks for that too, I'll take a look for sure !

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Postby Soundman2020 » Fri, 2021-Jun-25, 23:55

"UndeadCrow"!! Cool! Now there's a "blast from the past". It's really good to see you here on the forum! So glad you found us here, and are still working on your place. I sure do remember your thread! Hopefully you'll be able to finish your place now, and get it going the way you want.

- Stuart -

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