Time for treatment

All about acoustics. This is your new home if you already have a studio or other acoustic space, but it isn't working out for you, sounds bad, and you need to fix it...
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Time for treatment


Postby Soundman2020 » Thu, 2020-Aug-13, 23:58

Hey Howie. Sorry about that! I've been a bit tied up with the e-mail spammer/hacker the last several days. Haven't had much of a chance to to do a lot besides fight the %$#&%/% guy!

Anyway, I took a look at your data, and it's fine for figuring things out.

- Stuart -

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Postby howiedrum » Fri, 2020-Aug-14, 00:56

Thanks Stuart! Sorry about the hacker. That sucks. I have sent you some PM's regarding a treatment plan. Whenever you can please take a look.

Best wishes,


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Postby Soundman2020 » Fri, 2020-Aug-14, 01:55

howiedrum wrote:Thanks Stuart! Sorry about the hacker. That sucks. I have sent you some PM's regarding a treatment plan. Whenever you can please take a look.
:thu: Sure thing! I'll get back to you tomorrow...

- Stuart -

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Postby howiedrum » Sun, 2020-Dec-13, 07:25

Hi Stuart and all,

I am finally getting back to treating my room! To start I want to put four ceiling to floor corner bass traps in. I have left over Safe n Sound, so I would like to use that in my construction. I have read differ opinions regarding air gap or no air gap. Which is best, 2' face, 6" thick panel with air gap or 2' super chunk (no air gap).

Thank you, and I hope everyone is staying covid-free.


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Postby Starlight » Mon, 2020-Dec-14, 05:38


Superchunk bass trap: 60cm x 60cm with an 85cm hypotenuse (face) = 24" x 24" with a 34" hypotenuse (face). Lower GFR fibreglass or mineral wool for bass traps than typical broadband traps because they are deeper.

I made 12 superchunk traps, each one a third of the height of my room, so that I could easily pick them up and transport them as I was in a rented room back then.

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Postby .dio. » Mon, 2020-Dec-14, 09:49

howiedrum wrote:Source of the post Hi Stuart and all,

I am finally getting back to treating my room! To start I want to put four ceiling to floor corner bass traps in. I have left over Safe n Sound, so I would like to use that in my construction. I have read differ opinions regarding air gap or no air gap. Which is best, 2' face, 6" thick panel with air gap or 2' super chunk (no air gap).

Thank you, and I hope everyone is staying covid-free.


Perhaps reading this http://forum.studiotips.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=536 (see attached excel file)
would help..

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Postby howiedrum » Thu, 2020-Dec-17, 14:50

Thanks Starlight and dio!

Superchunk bass trap: 60cm x 60cm with an 85cm hypotenuse (face) = 24" x 24" with a 34" hypotenuse (face). Lower GFR fibreglass or mineral wool for bass traps than typical broadband traps because they are deeper.

I made 12 superchunk traps, each one a third of the height of my room, so that I could easily pick them up and transport them as I was in a rented room back then.

Not sure what hypotenuse is. I was planning on using a breathable fabric cover. The 34" face is a bit large for my room, but I understand the benefits. 12 traps, each one third of height is what I was thinking too. I am still debating whether a super chunk like yours is better than the corner panel with air space. Super chunk takes more mineral wool but I am starting to lean that way.

Perhaps reading this http://forum.studiotips.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=536 (see attached excel file)
would help..
I took a look at this but they were using OC703 and not Safe n Sound. I have read that OC703 works best for 4" panels with air space, but I haven't seen comparisons using 6 inches of Safe n Sound.

I don't have a clue how to analyze my REW, which are posted in this thread. My room is mainly a practice/live room. I don't want my leftover Safe n Sound to go to waste and bass traps seem like a must for any room. So I figured I would install them using my leftover SNS and then retest the room and see if those with more experience with room treatment can advise me on future treatments.

Thanks and best wishes.

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Postby Starlight » Tue, 2020-Dec-29, 09:18

howiedrum wrote:Source of the postI am still debating whether a super chunk like yours is better than the corner panel with air space.
The main difference being frequency response. A 4" panel straddling the 4 corners will be effective down to around 70Hz. Superchunks are effective down to around 50Hz. Your OP tells us that you will have instruments producing low frequencies - kick drum, bass guitar, keyboards - so the lower the frequency response the better.
howiedrum wrote:Source of the postLots of drums and percussion will be played in here but also electric guitar, bass, keyboards, and vocals at times.

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Postby howiedrum » Wed, 2021-May-19, 18:18

Hi Starlight, Jennifer, Paul, Lucio, and Stuart! I know it has been a while. I hope you are all well and I will check out your studio threads soon. I have my carpenter coming over in a few minutes to take measurements for Superchunk bass traps. I am going to use the same dimensions as you Starlight. Thanks for that photo. I have some safe n sound left over that I will stuff in some of them, but I will need to order more filler.

What do you usually stuff your Superchunk bass traps with?

Thanks and glad to be back.


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Postby Starlight » Wed, 2021-May-19, 19:14

howiedrum wrote:Source of the postWhat do you usually stuff your Superchunk bass traps with?
Because they are thicker traps, a lower GFR is better. In plain English, use soft and fluffy rolls of insulation rather than denser slabs.

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Postby howiedrum » Wed, 2021-May-19, 20:15

In plain English, use soft and fluffy rolls of insulation rather than denser slabs.

Ok. How do you keep the insulation from compressing?

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Postby Starlight » Thu, 2021-May-20, 02:30

You need a shelf of some sort every couple of layers. I used plaster's mesh stapled to the frame but string or a wooden batten would do.

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Postby howiedrum » Thu, 2021-May-20, 10:12

Thanks. I am going from floor to ceiling. Do you recommend that I actually touch the ceiling at the top or is it okay if I have a gap of an inch or two?

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Postby Starlight » Thu, 2021-May-20, 12:28

You're ok, that small a gap won't make a difference.

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Postby howiedrum » Thu, 2021-May-20, 12:58

Thank you sir!

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